A 100% subsidiary of the Denjean group, founded in 1966, Denjean Logistique provides a "tailor-made" logistics solution for the retail, service, industrial and e-commerce sectors. Today, it employs 300 people across 135,000 m2 of warehousing space in the Greater South-West region: Toulouse, Châteauroux, Montbartier, Lectour... At the heart of its strategy to grow by diversifying its activities, Denjean Logistique made the choice in 2015 to renew its confidence in the software publisher INFFLUX by selecting the WMS BEXT WS solution to optimize the logistics processes and flows of 4 of its warehouses, in particular the Mazère site, which federates its different sectoral "know-how".
Fabien Germa, Logistics and Supply Chain Project Manager at Denjean Logistique, comments: "With sales that have doubled in 5 years, from 7 to 14 million euros, Denjean Logistique is positioning itself in the South West of France as an alternative to the major groups, with an agile and competitive response to the outsourcing and logistics pooling needs of players in the industrial and e-commerce sectors. Multi-customer and multi-system in our warehouses, we capitalize today on the BEXT solution, our benchmark WMS, to guarantee our customers high-performance logistics processes and flawless traceability, while respecting their specific business needs"