Inventory management software

Inventory management software

Multiple facets

Inventory management software enables you to manage not only your warehouse, but also all the goods stored there. It permanently and reliably records all incoming and outgoing goods, taking into account every stock movement, whether sales, deliveries or returns. It can also be used to produce stock reports at any time, in a variety of formats (tables, graphs, etc.).

Focus on inventory management software

Inventory management software enables you to manage all your different storage sites, if necessary, by optimizing and rationalizing the surface areas used: it provides an instant overview
Such software is all the more important in the e-commerce sector, the main channel for distance selling, a booming sector which is one of the few to have survived the economic crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic.
This type of software package is now widespread in virtually all sectors of activity, from the agri-food industry, to supply supermarkets, to the medical sector, where laboratories supply medicines to pharmacies.

WMS software: IT at the service of logistics

The logistics sector has long been using the possibilities offered by new technologies. ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) software packages first came into their own. However, they have certain limitations, and are gradually being supplemented by WMS (Warehouse Management System) solutions, which are functionally richer. Their aim is to provide an overall view, both synthetic and detailed, via a single tool, which can be accessed even from a mobile device, tablet or smartphone.
One of the strong points of this software is the customization of the interface and functionalities: each department, each team and even each employee can have access to the tools they need for their daily tasks. The management of these functions is accessible and configurable.

It's possible to manage inventories as well as procurement, administration and finance. Each department has the tools it needs, with authorizations managed by administrators Some software publishers offer subscription-based access to warehouse management software, known as SaaS (Software as a Service). The different packages offered generally depend on the number of accounts/employees involved, as well as the functionality required. This solution is becoming increasingly popular, as the subscription includes the license as well as support in the event of questions or problems. Updates are sometimes included, so you can benefit from constantly evolving products, adapted to different sectors and markets.

Stock management software must be parameterizable. Each organization must be able to define the fields required for the proper execution of logistics operations.
Stock management software must be parameterizable. Each organization must be able to define the fields required for the proper execution of logistics operations.

A single tool to provide an overall view, both synthetic and detailed

The benefits of inventory management software

Adopting warehouse management software is the best way to improve operational performance, since this IT tool takes into account every link in the chain, from entry to exit of the warehouse. The WMS enables fine-tuning of all processes. Productivity will be increased by optimizing routes and the sequence of operator actions, which will make work less arduous. Service quality will improve, which in turn will enhance customer satisfaction thanks to errors avoided during order preparation. Operations will be better anticipated with carriers, avoiding costly penalties for exceeding loading/unloading deadlines. These are just a few examples of the benefits of a WMS Another strength of WMS software is its ability to collect and analyze a wide variety of data, in real time, for regular reporting on a weekly, monthly or other basis. Data is thus disrupting the logistics sector like so many others: it's not just a question of implementing new procedures because, a priori, they are better and could work better. Above all, it's about analyzing existing procedures to identify their weak points, before proposing solutions to improve them. This practical, concrete approach is the best solution, as it gives you a complete strategic vision.

The WMS optimizes every process in the warehouse.
The WMS optimizes every process in the warehouse.

Discover logistics software

Bext Logistics Software

The boom in e-commerce, omnichannel sales, changing purchasing habits and consumer expectations are all having an impact on logistics, and especially on warehousing, which is on the front line. BEXT WS frees you from unforeseen events such as stock-outs, discrepancies and picking errors; the solution optimizes your m2, your resources and digitalizes your processes for impeccable customer service.

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