Smart Logistic Solution (SLS)

Smart Logistic Solution (SLS)

Optimising handling systems

'Smart Logistic Solution' fits between ERP systems and handling equipment control/command systems.


SLS is a software package that integrates seamlessly between the ERP system and the warehouse equipment control/command systems.

SLS was first introduced to the market in 1997 and since then has been constantly evolving both technically and functionally.

Its main features are:

  • Stock control: Pre-reception, reception, unloading, entry/identification
  • Stock entry management: choosing and checking locations, forklift movements, updating stock levels
  • Order preparation: availability check, order compliance, pre-packing, order/container matching
  • Exits and transfers: generation of pick lists, retrievals, stock levels, updating, cross-docking
  • Shipping: group by customer, carrier and destination
  • Handling control systems: stacker cranes, conveyors, High
  • Tariff sorting units, AGVs...
  • Traceability: Products, batches
  • Preparation rules F.I.F.O., L.I.F.O., DLUO
  • Operational management functions: Stock lists, stock reports (by location, item, date), statistics, activity monitoring.
Software that integrates seamlessly between ERP and control systems
Software that integrates seamlessly between ERP and control systems

SLS is software that integrates seamlessly between ERP and control systems.


Over the past 25 years, the SLS offering has been successfully deployed with some very large industrial customers in France and Belgium, including Baxter (Fr), FNAC (Fr), GSK (B), Danone (Fr), Continental Automotive (Fr), Burgo Ardennes (B), Fri-Pharma (Fr), FN Herstal (B), IRIS Logistique (Fr), Legrand (Fr)...


As of 1 June 2024, the SLS solution is integrated into the CFD group's Supply Chain Execution division, in order to develop synergies for our customers with the BEXT and P.E.N.T.A. solutions already present in the group.

An offering successfully deployed over the last 25 years with very large customers
An offering successfully deployed over the last 25 years with very large customers
Discover logistics software

Bext Logistics Software

The boom in e-commerce, omnichannel sales, changing purchasing habits and consumer expectations are all having an impact on logistics, and especially on warehousing, which is on the front line. BEXT WS frees you from unforeseen events such as stock-outs, discrepancies and picking errors; the solution optimizes your m2, your resources and digitalizes your processes for impeccable customer service.

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